Gang Rape Suspects To Spend New Year In Cells


Four teenage suspects accused of raping a girl at Bantama in the Ashanti region have been remanded in custody again.

They are expected to re-appear before the Asokwa District Court on January 10, 2018. When the case was called for the second time today, December 27, 2017 the police pleaded for more time to conclude investigations.

Related: Young men in the gang rape video are going to jail – Ace Ankomah

The four were rounded up after a video of their sexual escapade went viral on social media. The video sparked massive outrage in the country with majority of Ghanaians calling on the Police to ensure that the boys are prosecuted.

The about five minutes video shows an underage girl pinned to a mattress by one of her abusers while his accomplices take turns to perform sexual acts on her.

The victim who was resisting her attackers all-through the ordeal was restrained from escaping by her abusers who appeared to be having fun with the torture.

Commenting on the heinous act, The Member of Parliament for Asokwa Patricia Appiagyei called for the boys arrested to be lined up and flogged publicly.

According to her, the behaviour of the boys seen in the gang rape video which has gone viral can be attributed to youthful exuberance, alcohol or drugs.

“One of the things that could have urged the young ones to indulge in this kind of sodomy as I call it is either they were under the influence of alcohol or were on drugs.

“But like I said, they are showing their wild edge, they have started having feelings and therefore were examining their feelings and directed it [there] because they don’t have the right parental care to tell them that there are certain things that we don’t do in our society.

“I don’t think we have to waste time to get the rest, you know they are minors and…I don’t think prison will change them. It even hardens them because we don’t have the kind of atmosphere where people can really reflect and then show remorse for what they have done…but when you are publicly punished I believe that will make you better…I believe [flogging] them will help,” the former Kumasi Mayor told Starr News’ Parliamentary correspondent Ibrahim Alhassan.

Source: Ghana/


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