Cross Examination of First Prosecution Witness in Opuni case ends


The cross examination of the first Prosecution Witness in the case of the Republic against Dr. Opuni and two others, has ended.


Counsel for the second Accused person, Mr. Seidu Agongo and the third Accused company, Agricult Ghana Limited in the concluding part of his cross- examination, asked the Witness, Dr. Franklin Manu Amoah, if he confirmed to the Adu Ampomah Committee that he was not unduly influenced by Dr. Opuni’s directives.

The Witness responded by saying that Dr. Opuni was his boss and he gave the directives on how scientist at CRIG should conduct testing on agrochemicals.

He added that when the report came to him, he interrogated it, and the Lead Scientist also explained that the Lithovit fertiliser, has similarities and mode of action as Bedimax and Nutrismat which they had worked on for four years and had given three times more yield of cocoa.

He went on to say that in line with Dr. Opuni’s directives to reduce the testing time of generic products, the Lead Scientist was recommending Lithovit fertiliser to COCOBOD.

Counsel for the Mr. Agongo and Agricult Ghana Limited, put it to the Witness, that when he (Witness) was specifically asked by the Committee if he succumbed to Dr Opuni’s pressure, he responded in the negative.

“I didn’t succumb to the pressure but as my boss who has given directives and all persuasions to him to rescind that decision, and having said before other scientists, I had no option than to forward the report”, he replied.

Counsel for the second Accused person and the third Accused company Mr. Benson Nutsukpui, suggested to the Witness that no where in his statements to the Police and EOCO, did he (Witness) state that he interrogated Mr. Afrifa, the Lead Scientist, and Mr. Afrifa gave Dr. Opuni’s directive as the reason for shortening the testing of the Lithovit fertiliser.

Dr. Manu Amoah explained that the statement that he gave to EOCO and the CID were based on the questions that they put to him, and he was asked to put all of it in writing.

He added that it has not been stated straightforward in any of the statements, since not everything that transpired with respect to Lithovit, could come in his statement.
He added that in his last statement to the police, he stated that he has never doubted the competence and integrity of his scientists and he said this in line with discussions that he made with Mr. Afrifa over the report.

The case has been adjourned to Tuesday, 2nd November, 2018.

The second Prosecution Witness is expected to give his or her evidence-in-chief at the next adjourned date.

Source: GhanaJustice/F.Kyeremateng


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